3 Record Stores Integral to the Austin Music Scene

While there are a great number of musicians spanning a variety of genres, distinctive venues, and nonstop live performances in Austin, the city’s music scene would be incomplete without some of its renowned record stores.

Written by Katie Karp

Photos by Samantha Gerber


Thanks to streaming services, people now have access to an endless amount of music at a reasonable price. Companies like Spotify, Apple Music, and SoundCloud offer their users the ability to enjoy music anywhere, whether on-the-go, at work, or at home. In other words, listening to the music of your choice has become incredibly easy for the 85 percent of Americans who own smart devices. This constant access to digital music makes the process of scoping out the perfect record and buying it a luxury that pushes buyers to view music as an art in and of itself, instead of something akin to a song that can be skipped over or be replaced.

In a city where music is one of its most defining features, the Live Music Capital of The World is also home to a number of phenomenal record stores. While Waterloo Records, Antone’s Record Shop, and Breakaway Records are each idiosyncratic in their approach, each Austin hotspot succeeds in animating and pushing local listeners to appreciate music.

Even in the highly digitized, fast-paced 21st century, vinyl collectors still exist and thrive in the Live Music Capital of the World.


Antone’s Record Shop


Located on the corner of Guadalupe and 30th Street, Antone’s proximity to the UT campus makes it the perfect spot for young music listeners new to Austin to explore older and local music. Since its opening in 1987, the store has emphasized its devotion to local artists. Antone’s eclectic gallery of Texas music coupled with its large Blues section creates a homey, old-school environment that offers shoppers a glimpse into the pre-techhub, gentrified Austin, making it the subject of nostalgia for natives and newcomers alike. The Southern feel and intimate nature of the store is just as appealing to Austinites who crave a taste of their city’s culture. In addition to Blues and Texas music, Antone’s stands out in its collection of Louisiana tracks as well as its own self-produced records.


Waterloo Records


With its 40th birthday approaching, it is clear that Waterloo Records is emblematic of the city of Austin in many ways. Since its inception in 1982, the nationally renowned record store has tripled in size and embraced the growth and eccentricity of the city around it, moving out of its original spot to downtown Austin. As the store itself adapted to a larger, more modernized Austin, so did the music it carried. What makes Waterloo so special is that it has a record, CD, or tape for anyone. A minute drive from Dirty Sixth Street and a block away from the famous ATX sign, Waterloo attracts music listeners across the sonic spectrum. From its mixed international records, rich punk and mixed-genre soundtrack sections, the store is consistently up-to-speed with a variety of new releases. With its  diverse selection, veteran shoppers, young collectors, and tourists alike all can find a home in the Austin staple.


Breakaway Records


The North Loop Austin record shop prides itself in its small but mighty collection. While the store makes a point of promoting Texas musicians and has a hefty number of 45s, Breakaway is home to all genres of music. Opened in 2007, the store has a fresh and light nature to it; its shelves are not overflowing with vinyl and it is not completely covered with posters, magazines, or merchandise. Its organization and cleanliness are not just due to the stores being relatively young but to Breakaway’s emphasis on the quality of each product it owns. The shop finds a way of carefully curating an inventory that ensures high quality music across genres. While the West Campus and Downtown locations of Antone’s and Waterloo, respectively, can be loud and busy, Breakaway’s surroundings match its eclectic yet mellow inside. 


Antone’s, Waterloo, and Breakaway have unique approaches in the way that they enliven the Austin music scene and remind people that music is a delicacy that deserves to be appreciated. Streaming services are certainly more accessible, but a record does something magical of bringing music to life.